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October 18, 2021

What Are the Benefits of Pursuing Computer Programming As a Career?

I would like to share with you some of the benefits of computer programming as a career, but before we explore these benefits let’s take a quick look at our definition of computer programming.

There are actually many definitions of computer programming, but to keep things as simple and relevant as possible I would define computer programming as a skill that gives us the ability to communicate with our computer in a language that they understand so that they can do certain things for us.

How to Learn Computer Programming Languages | Grinfer

A daily example of this would be running a spreadsheet program, a word processor, or an email program. For example, we can use a spreadsheet program before it is loaded and activated by a computer. When it is loaded and activated the program is said to be “running”.

Therefore, the job of a computer programmer is to write instructions that are written in a language that the spreadsheet program can be understood by the computer. This set of written instructions is commonly called a software application or computer program.

Since computers are much smaller and cheaper than those obtained decades ago, we see that there are many more potential clients who need a variety of applications. Just like there are many clients who need exterior commercial painting services!

More importantly, many of these computers are connected together with the widespread availability of the Internet. This is why a career as a computer programmer is definitely worth considering.

However, after saying all this, we need to keep in mind that computer programming is not for everyone, but if you fit the bill then a whole new world is waiting for you and you will find yourself limited by your creativity and imagination.


Now here are some advantages of taking computer programming as a career.

1. As a computer programmer there is usually a strong demand and so you are more likely to get a job or leave the job if you already have one.

2. When working in this space you will usually find that flexible work time is an option.

3. In many cases there is the potential to work almost anywhere instead of traveling.

4. The computer programming space is usually a result-driven environment rather than politically-driven – although we can never completely escape from politics because we are human beings.

5. It can be quite profitable as a career.

6. Often there will be opportunities to work in a team with other like-minded people.

7. You will have the freedom to work with your own hands if needed or desired.

8. Depending on your preferences and where you want to be, you will have the mobility to move around in different industries.

We just scratched the surface here because there are so many more benefits to explore. In fact, I will write some more articles to cover some of these points in more detail so please be careful with them!